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Horror For The Elderly

Horror for the elderly from Jbraddy

 We were given the task of coming up with a movie with a horror genre for the elderly.
Above is our PowerPoint over viewing the film we came up with. We have tried to create a film with a horror aspect but with a slightly comedic edge as you don't really want your nan being scared out of her mind when she goes to see a movie. We used a mixed aged cast, most of them old but with a couple of younger cast members who get killed off. The movie is set in an OAP's home so the elderly audience have a location that they can relate to, this can make them laugh or could even make them scared as they imagine their own care homes contain a mass murder in the mist.

Our feed back was very positive, every member of the audience would have brought the film except from two. They like our opening, the use of a dark corridor and how we create a seance of mystery (more detail in PowerPoint) . They also liked our cast as they have all worked together well in previous films such as 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" and "Quartet" and they thought it would be intresting to see how they react in this very different scenario.