Fixation Link

Dyers Theorys

Dyers Theory is the theory that we see minatory groups of people and treat them differently through the way they are portrayed in the media, you could apply his theory to teenagers. in the media they are portrayed as hoodie wearing, street talking, dark alley hanging thugs which are a dirty mark upon society and treated as such. this is unfortunately true for about 1% of the teenage population but for the other 99% of us we are still constantly branded with the same poker and this isn't going to change anytime soon.

Another group of people you could apply this to is the elderly, they are also portrayed as being frail, clinging on to life, complaining, bus using waste of tax payers money, however this is also untrue for most of the ageing population as many of them are still working or giving their time away in their local charity shops and making the most the time they have left.

A 3rd group you could apply this theory to is emigrants who have moved into the UK to start their life again to give it better go than what they have had before. in the media they are portrayed as being another drain on the tax payer, how they come here for the benefit system and don't lift a finger in their newly built council house in the centre of London. however many immigrants come over here with job already in hand, or start up their own business and become very successful because of this and don't claim a single penny off the tax payer.