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AS Film Opening Examples

Here is another good example of an opening. i particularly like the point of view shots as we walk down the corridor and each one of the pictures coma alive. the projection of the wedding video is a nice scene. The use of voice over is also really effective in this piece it gives the audience a really good insight of the main character, however im not really sure where this piece would lead on to, we seem to have a pretty good overview of their relationship from start to end in the opening so i could see the continuity of the overall film becoming a bit dodgy. apart from that i really like the overall effect of the piece giving the whole opening a really creepy and mysterious feel to it, 50 out of 60

I really liked this film opening theres a really great mix of diegetic and non diegetic sound used throughout. There is also a good mix of matching action shots where he's picking up his lunch / walking through doorways etc. the overall opening fits the genre of romance really well, its further aided by the use of the high piano notes laid over the action when it slows down, which is another thing they did very well with was matching the pace of the music to the pace of the action which gives it a more polished and professional look. the ending of the sequence is very good as well where they leave it on a cliff hanger / good transition to the rest of the film. however there are a few dodgy shots in the opening, where he is looking through the tube window looks like he's a little bit perverted / strange. but over all i would give this opening a 54 out of 60.