Fixation Link

Synopsis Planning

Synopsis Planning

We will open with a shot of a ‘Stalker Wall’ covered in pictures stuck around a map, there will be red string stuck into the board with pins. We aim to have a shot of the stalker putting a pin into the board which we will film this close up to the wall on the angle so we see the pin get pushed into the board. We will then see the Stalkiee send a tweet about his party, then a sudden cut to the stalker’s laptop where the tweet comes up and she grabs her car keys. We are then back at the boy’s house, he’s putting on his birthday badge and we are looking through the window at the party in action he’s drinking; this shot is from the eyes of the stalker. We are then outside and people are leaving, we watch feet move past the camera as the stalkers feet come out of the shadows and head towards the house.  The door opens, we then cut outside where we see the badge drop on the ground, the sound of car doors slamming and we watch the car drive away.  Fade to black. We are now in an off-licence, our stalkiee is buying alcohol when he gets a text through on his phone, its about his party tonight.

The rest of the film will be about how the stalker is following him online and in person, how she plans her every move and is waiting for her moment to strike. Later on in the film we see the kidnapping in more detail and where he ends up. At the end of the film we would want the audience to feel sorry for the stalker as her obsession over our stalkiee is only through the tragic loss of her own son and her husband divorcing her.  The audience will only find this out about ¾ ‘s of the way through the film.