Fixation Link

Question 4

Question 4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

As you can see by the pictures our target audience is the typical teenager. The stero-typical teenager, who enjoys being with friends, people who take pride in their appearence, shopping, and partying. Our characters will be thrill seekers, who enjoy thriller and horror films. Films that have an intense storyline our what our audience will enjoy. Our audience will be into social networking and enjoy sites such as Twitter.

We would also have to consider a secondary audience to branch out into different audience members. Even though are film is a teenage film and our core audience are teenagers, one of the main characters is in fact an older woman. So this could make it relevant for adults as well. Adults that are in to films with a good storyline that makes you think and keeps you on the edge of your seat may be interested in our film.

Overall I feel that we adressed our target audience well throughout our film.

The film Prom Night is very similuar to our film as it is a Thriller, it is age rating 15 and involves a stalker. Because the age rating of this film is a 15 the same as ours, the target audience is aged 15 and above. This film also uses a mainly teenage cast, the same as our film which attracts the audience. All of the teenage cast are attractive and dress well which is what we aimed for in our film as well, because if they are attractive cast members it is known that people will be more likely to go to the film.