Fixation Link

Question 6

Above is a rapid video listing what equipment we used.
As we planned and created our finial piece we all learnt how much of an impact technology's can affect what we can create and how well the final product will be. We then also had to battle with how each different piece of technology worked together. A key problem we had while filming was reflections of light on windows and that being picked up on the camera and blinding the rest of the shot.

                        Below are photos of us using the equipment on location for the fixation shoot:

Becky and Charlotte using the camera and tripod on location.

Becky using the camera, you can see the affect of the lights we used in this photo

Here is a shot mid filming, you can see the lights in use as well

Here we are using the camera on the tripod, which we have folded the legs down and made one of
the legs predute at 90 degrees perpendicular to the tripod to create a smooth-ish shot in motion

Here the camera is being used at an angle on the tripod to film this static shot.
In post production we used a selection of different software packages, we used Adobe Premier to cut down each individual clip and stitch the lot of them together. we also used an overlay of the different videos we took to create the 'Ghosting' Affect which is seen throughout the opening. There is an affect in adobe premier called 'ghosting' however we found it not to work as expected resulting in us having to manually create the affect ourselves. In premier we also cut down different pieces of music elements and sound affects then arranged them to fit in with the video elements in our finial piece. We also used a variety of different online programs to write up our evaluation as well as using them for feedback and research. A online programme we used for feedback was Survey Monkey. this allowed us to send out mass emails containing our feedback link as well as the video link. once feedback had been received we were notified by survey monkey where we able to view the feedback from any Internet connected device.